Wendy Snelgrove


Wendy has a true gift for writing. She is able to take you on an amazing journey through her words. Each story she tells is captivating and draws you in from the start. She has a special ability to create vivid scenes and characters that come to life on the page. You can’t help but feel like you’re part of the story as you read her work. Wendy’s writing is truly one-of-a-kind.

She considers lifestyle and aesthetics.

A wife and mother of four —  she has demonstrated a great ability to juggle many different responsibilities while still being able to find time to write. It’s admirable to see someone so dedicated to their craft while also taking care of their family.


She is a visionary, three-dimensional thinker who can turn aspirations into reality.

As a Toronto and Haliburton-based designer and author, Wendy circumvented a non-traditional path to her evolving career. She graduated and worked in the dental field before starting a family. While staying home with her kids, she developed her first stay-at-home career by inventing the ‘one-day-makeover’. 

Her unique eye for design and clearly shows in her writing. Her creative approach is evident in the stories she tells and the visuals she creates. She’s a truly talented writer and her creative style is something to be admired.


Recently, you’ll find her on the beach of her Nova Scotia Fish Shed with her dog Ralph or in the forests behind her home in Haliburton, Ontario. Her creative practices have blossomed into a lifelong dream of being an author – telling her own stories and the stories of others. She resonates with growing interactions with everyone she meets, from New York City to British Columbia to Paris. With over thirty years of design experience and approaching thirty-five years of marriage, Wendy sees the parallels between relationships with family, career, friends, writing and design. Composing and integrating the unexpected harmonies of life presents challenges and pleasures that result in meaningful testimonies of survival. 

Design to Settle – Write to Heal 

Wendy is finally writing her first book, telling the story of life in a Mennonite community, navigating family, and walking with grief after the death of her youngest son. After realizing that she had become a stranger to herself and others, she found the grace to shine through her grief consistently.

Wendy has an amazing ability to transport her readers with her words. She has a creative eye that enables her to visualize design in a way that is captivating and engaging, and in doing so, transports you with her words. Her creativity is interconnected between her worlds, with each supporting and sustaining the other.

Wendy’s faith is her superpower. She relies entirely on the breath of God to breathe through her into every thought, idea, word, and deed. She is not alone. You are not alone. Her life-long friend often says, “God loves you, and so do I!”